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First aid training for construction sites.

construction site

Construction sites are a hotbed of potential injuries, how many times have we read on news that someone got gravely injured or even lost their lives working in construction.

Construction of a building involves various activities. It involves lifting, moving, electrical work, working at heights etc… all of them have the potential to cause injuries to people who are working on them. That’s why providing first aid training to construction workers is of utmost importance.

VMEDO is a premier institution which provides first aid training for corporates, to conduct first aid training at your construction sites please call 9343180000

Why do we need first aid training at construction sites.

Construction site as said earlier involves a lot of hazardous situations. We’ve listed the reasons below on why first aid training is important for construction sites..

What are the laws relating to construction site safety?

BOCW (Buildling and other construction worker) Act of 1996 provides ground rules for all the construction site safety.

The object of the BOCW Act as well as its framework is analogous to other labour law legislations, but in particular, the BOCW Act is similar to the Factories Act, 1948.

5 Important first aid techniques every construction worker should know

A fracture occurs due to a broken bone. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and irregularities.

  1. Call an ambulance in case of serious injuries
  2. support fractured part with a splint
  3. Apply sling to reduce movements, incase of dislocation
  4. Stop the bleeding and cover the wound with sterile dressing in case of open fracture
  5. Reassure and monitor the casualty

Major burn occurs when a different layer of skin is burnt and the burn area is large. Symptoms include pain, swelling, reduced level of consciousness and shock

  1. Call ambulance
  2. Cool the burnt part with running water
  3. Cover the wound loosely with non-adhesive burn dressing or clean plastic
  4. Keep the person warm to avoid hypothermia
  5. Reassure and monitor casualty. Check for development of shock

Severe bleeding is caused due to damage to arteries or veins. Symptoms include significant loss of blood, pain, and shock

  1. Call ambulance
  2. Apply direct pressure over the bleeding point using a clean cloth or sterile dressing( use gloves for protection )
  3. If the wound is on a limb, elevate the limb above the heart level
  4. If direct pressure doesn’t stop the bleeding, apply indirect pressure by using tourniquet 3 inches above the wound.
  5. Reassure and monitor the casualty. Check for development of shock

Turn off the source of electricity, if possible. If not, move the source away from you and the person. Using a dry, nonconducting object made of cardboard, plastic, or wood. Begin CPR if the person shows no signs of circulation, such as breathing, coughing, or movement.

When a person is unconscious not breathing, Don’t assume death. We can still revive a casualty by performing CPR

  1. Sit on one side of casualty on your knees
  2. With your shoulder and elbow straight, interlock your arms and lean over casualty. Position your arms on casualty’s chest ( between the nipple line)
  3. Perform 30 compressions on casualty’s chest at the rate of 100 to 120 per minute. With pressure achieving compression depth of 2 to 2.5 inches.  
  4. Open casualties airway using head tilt, chin lift method
  5. Provide 2 rescue breath  
  6. Repeat the CPR with the ratio 30:2
  7. Check for consciousness once in every 2 minute
  8. Continue CPR until casualty revive or till an advance help arrive or till you lose your strength

How to get First aid training for construction sites.

VMEDO is a premier institution which provides first aid training for corporates, to conduct first aid training at your construction sites please call 9343180000

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