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Did You Know This Causes of Allergy

Causes of Allergy

1. Dust Mites
2. Pollen
3. Foods such as peanuts, cow’s milk, soy, seafood, and eggs
4. Cats and other hairy animals such as rabbits, dogs, horses, and guinea pigs.
5. Insect Stings.
6. Molds.
7. Medicines.
8. Similar reactions can occur in some chemicals and food additives, however, if they do not involve the immune system, they are known for adverse reactions rather than an allergy.

Symptoms of Allergies

• A raised, itchy, red rash usually affecting the skin, lips, tongue, eyes, and face.
• Abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
• The skin becomes dry, red and cracked.
• Severe cases, swelling of the lips, eyelids, difficulty in breathing, suffocation & it may lead to death.

First Aid for Allergy

1. For insect allergy, flick out the sting if it can be seen (but do not remove ticks).
2. Stay with the person, if any severe symptoms are present, call for Emergency Medical help.
3. Give medications if prescribed.
4. If the infected person has been prescribed an adrenaline auto-injector device, locate this and read the instructions.
5. Contact parent/guardian or other emergency contacts.


1. In some cases, avoiding the substance that causes an allergy is the most effective way of managing an allergy.
2. If you suffer severe allergic reactions adrenaline injection is used as an Emergency lifesaving drug.
3. For minor allergic reactions medication containing cetirizine, levocetirizine may be used.
4. For long-term maintained – Steroids, etc are used.

Frequently Asking Question’s

1. What are some common allergens?

The allergens include most troubles are pollen (weeds, tree, grass), mold and mildew, dust mites, pet dander, feathers, cockroaches, industrial chemicals, foods (shellfish, eggs, milk, wheat), medications (penicillin, aspirin), and food additives and preservatives.

2. What Type of Plants Produce the Allergy-Causing Pollens?

The pollen that causes allergy from plants (plants, weeds & trees) that typically do not bear any flowers or fruits. These plants produce light, dry pollen granules in large quantities that are spread through the air for miles.

3. What is Pollen Count?

A “Low” pollen count means that only a few people who are very sensitive to pollen will experience allergic symptoms. A “medium” pollen count means few people who are mildly sensitive to pollen will experience the symptoms and a “high” pollen count means most people with any sensitivity to pollen will experience the symptoms.

4. Do allergy shots work?

Yes, any time. Allergy shots help if you’re allergic to dust mites, pet dander, pollens, and certain allergic bee stings. They are injected in a tiny amount of what you’re allergic to under your skin. Previously, you’ll get shots twice or once a week. Later shots are given once a month, and later for a period of years. Gradually your body gets to adjust to the allergen and your symptoms get better.

Also, the FDA has approved a few tablets that can be taken at home. The prescription tablets, called Gastec, Ragweed, and Oral air, are used for treating some allergic diseases and work the same way as shots.

5. How to find the type of allergy caused?

When you visit the hospital, your doctor will find out what you’re allergic to. The doctor takes your medical history and your family’s allergy history &will examine you. The doctor may perform a series of blood & skin tests to see what you have a reaction to. That will help to decide which treatment you should take. The doctor may suggest trying any anti-allergic drugs that can help any allergy. Medicines can often help with your allergies to pollen, dust, perfumes, plants, or animal dander.

6. What is the different treatment for the allergic disease?

The important thing in treating any allergic disease is receiving & figuring out an exact diagnosis of the problem. The most important step towards avoiding allergy is controlling & avoiding the allergen. All patients suffering from allergic diseases such as sinus headaches, hay fever, skin allergy, and asthma and food allergy should visit a certified specialist in allergy and asthma.

7. Are there any particular food allergens to be aware of?

Few food types causing allergic reactions are nuts, peanuts, and milk, egg, wheat and soybean proteins. And also, there are food preservatives which may also cause allergy symptoms.
The diagnosis of food allergy can be difficult. Consult your Certified Allergy Specialist to obtain an exact diagnosis of possible disorders of food allergens.

8. What is Allergy?

An allergy occurs when a person’s immune system reacts to few environmental substances that are also called allergens and they are found in dust mites, pets, pollen, molds, insects, foods and some medicines.
The Area of the body Affected form Allergies the nose, eyes, throat, lungs, stomach and bowel, skin.
In other words, Allergy is the hyper-exaggerated immune response of the human body to a particular environmental substance.


  1. Avoid the allergen contact.
  2. Vacuum at least twice a week to remove allergens from furniture, rugs, and blankets. Use HEPA filter if possible.
  3. If you have dust allergies, use the dust-proof mattress cover and pillow covers, and close windows and doors during peak allergy season. A quick rinse in the shower before sleeping, especially after being outdoors the whole day, will help in keeping pollen out of bed.
  4. A quick rinse in the shower before sleeping, especially after being outdoors the whole day, will help in keeping pollen out of bed.
  5. Avoid pets inside the home, close contact with pets and also, wear a mask to cover nose &mouth whenever you go to a dusty environment.
  6. Follow your medicines as prescribed.
  7. They can be helpful in treating your symptoms in the early stages.
  8. Anti-Allergic medication prescribed are to be taken, along with avoiding the allergen as they significantly help in controlling the Allergies. Track your diet, and your routine when symptoms occur and that seems to help. This may help you to find out what causes or worsens your symptoms.
  9. Have a proper action plan. It helps you, what to do in case you have allergic symptoms or reaction.

For any medical emergency including Ambulance, blood requirement call for VMEDO helpline 093431 80000.

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