During emergencies, a lot of people use private vehicles rather than waiting for an ambulance, which is not at all advisable. No matter how severe
Let’s get to know about the OSHAS 18001 and ISO 45001, the most discussed topics regarding Occupational Health and Safety! Click here to know why
First aid is an integral part of OSHA Safety management, in this article we will see the standards set by OSHA to conduct first aid
First aid box is a must need in every organization, it should be the most easily accessible toolbox in any building. Article 45, Subsection 1
The study says that “On an average, every $1 spent towards workplace safety and health programs the business or an organization saves up to $4-$6.”
Factory act 1948 is a set of provisions provided by the Indian constitution for safeguarding the rights of employees in the workplace. The provisions provided
First Aid Training Certification for Occupational Health and Safety Audit in corporates is one of the most required and least emphasized upon in the world
Every year, more than 6, 60, 000 deaths occur alone in India as a result of cardiac arrest. The survival rate is less than 1%
Can diabetes be cured? It’s a straight forward NO! Yes you heard it right it’s a NO and if you’re still wondering about the purpose
‘Funeral’ is not just the word it’s a bundle of emotions which it carries with itself where the respect and service providing to the deceased